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Christ The King Jesuit College Preparatory School
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Markel Anderson
Religious Studies Teacher
Email Markel Anderson
Tony Azu-Popow
Database Manager
Email Tony Azu-Popow
Sotero Barraza
Stewardship and Special Events Manager
Email Sotero Barraza
Alonzo Berry
Music Teacher
Ms. Sandra Briseno
Director of Recruitment and Enrollment
Email Sandra Briseno
Timothy Caldwell
Student Support Specialist, CWSP
Ms. Cheryl Cattledge
Religious Studies Teacher / Campus Ministry Director
Email Cheryl Cattledge
Mr. Max Clark
Email Max Clark
Ms. Maggie Deady
Social Studies Teacher
Email Maggie Deady
Ed Forst
Email Ed Forst
Mr. Gabriel Fuentes
Innovation Space Coordinator
Email Gabriel Fuentes
Mr. Juan Fuentes
VP of Operations
Mr. Kevin Gallmeier
Social Studies Teacher
Email Kevin Gallmeier
Timeka Garnett
Mathematics Teacher
Sarah Gibbs
Director of Foundation Relations
Email Sarah Gibbs
Ms. Rita Gondocs
English Teacher
Email Rita Gondocs
Jasmin Graham
Director of Student & Partner Success, CWSP
Ashley Hamilton
English Teacher
John Hauenstein
Math Teacher
Email John Hauenstein
Ms. Dezaray Jones
School Counselor
Email Dezaray Jones
Mr. Jaylon Joyner
Dean of Student Life and Athletics
Email Jaylon Joyner
Mr. David Kajah
Math Teacher
Email David Kajah
Maureen Kelly
Vice President of Advancement
Email Maureen Kelly
Ms. Eileen Kennedy
Mr. David Kim
Science Teacher
Email David Kim
Dr. Dana King
College Prep/Consumer Economics Teacher
Email Dana King
LaTanya King
Director of Student Accounts, Office Manager
Lena Krantzler
Career Readiness Curriculum Coordinator
Mr. Dave Linhares
Spanish Teacher
Email Dave Linhares
Ms. Aleshia Lowery
College and Career Counselor
Email Aleshia Lowery
Mrs. Cheryl Loy
Alumni Counselor
Mrs. Sarah Mangan
Spanish Teacher
Email Sarah Mangan
Mr. Clement Martin
Email Clement Martin
Cheryl Martin-Rose
Attendance and Records Clerk
Email Cheryl Martin-Rose
Juqueisha Miller
Student & Partner Success Coordinator
Ms. Wanda Moy
School Nurse
Email Wanda Moy
Mr. Elbert Muhammad
Science Teacher
Ms. Katie Olson
Email Katie Olson
Fr. Joshua Peters, S.J.
Director of Mission & Jesuit Identity
Johny Ramirez
Jen Risley
Science Teacher
Mr. Joel Schafer
English Teacher
Email Joel Schafer
Jeffrey Smart
Director of Advancement
Email Jeffrey Smart
Michael Smith
Senior Director, Marketing & Communications
Email Michael Smith
Mr. Victor Smith
Religious Studies Teacher
Email Victor Smith
Chrishelle Southward
Student & Partner Success Coordinator
Milton Spaulding
Email Milton Spaulding
Cornelus Spivey
Business Office Staff Accountant
Mary Stamps
School Counselor
Email Mary Stamps
Ms. Rebecca Strugala
Social Studies Teacher
Email Rebecca Strugala
Dr. Tara Sullivan
Vice President, Corporate Work Study Program
Email Tara Sullivan
Malcolm Teasdale
Dean of Academic Support
Ms. Sheniqua (Nique) Thomas
Recruitment and Enrollment Coordinator
D'yona Toliver
Mathematics Teacher
Kate Vetter
Religious Studies Teacher
Dr. Eve Wade
Social Studies Teacher
Bernhard Walke
Dean of Faculty and Staff Formation
Email Bernhard Walke
Mr. Marcus Whittlesey
Dean of Students
Email Marcus Whittlesey
Mr. Daniel Zundel
Senior Director, CWSP
Email Daniel Zundel
Staff Directory